Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Basics of an e-Learning Application: Wallwisher!

I recently had the opportunity to explore a really neat e-learning application called Wallwisher. I recorded the basics of Wallwisher using Jing. Click below and let me know how you think you can use Wallwisher in your classroom.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ten Things Teachers Should Know How to Do With Technology Before They Enter the Classroom

The students of today are digital natives. In order to reach the students of today, it is essential that teachers have at least a basic level of proficiency with many different forms of technology. Before setting foot in the classroom, I believe there are ten things all teachers should know how to do with technology.

All teachers should be …

1. able to search the web effectively.
- Evaluate the accuracy and integrity of information posted on the internet.
- Be aware of copywrite issues regarding information posted on the internet.
- Utilize search engines to quickly and efficiently locate information.

2. comfortable with sending, reading, and responding to email messages.
- In today’s day and age, email is essential for communicating with staff and parents.

3. comfortable creating and editing documents in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
- Among software out there today, Word, PowerPoint and Excel are very prominent and useful on a daily basis.
- If a teacher receives an email attachment in one of these formats, he or she needs to be comfortable downloading, reading and editing the document.

4. comfortable participating in blogs
- Blogs are powerful tools to use in the classroom.
- There are many professional blogs where teachers share ideas and discuss strategies. All teachers are constant learners and blogs help increase communication and share ideas between teachers.

5. able to get help and assistance with technology
- Everyone runs into issues with technology at some point or another. Who can provide assistance? What is the number of the help desk? Who is the designated tech person for their school and how can they be reached?

6. able to create and update a classroom website
- A classroom website is a great link between parents and teachers – parents can follow happenings, students can access information.
- Student work can be posted on the site to share with the world.

7. able to use a digital camera and upload photos to the internet via a photosharing site
- Helpful in creating a professional portfolio.
- Classroom activities can be documented and shared with parents.

8. comfortable using Promethean technologies
- Have experience using ActivStudio and making flipcharts.
- Due to the prevalence of interactive whiteboards in educational settings, it is critical that incoming teachers know how to effectively utilize them with their students.

9. be aware of the various Google products available
- Google has multiple tools for teachers to use to collaborate with others and organize and share information as well as tools for use in the classroom.

10. comfortable searching for online videos and podcasts
- Via iTunes, YouTube, and other sites, there are multiple educational videos available for use the classroom.
- Teachers should know how search effectively as well as screen and filter inappropriate content.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Introuduction Video

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Technology I Use in the Classroom

In the past year, I have made an effort to integrate more technology into my daily instruction. In my second grade classroom, I have a projector, Elmo document camera, and three Dell Computers. I enjoy using the Elmo and find students respond positively to it as well. Students love to come up and put their papers on the Elmo and share them with the class. In the past, I had to spend so much time at the copier making transparencies of anything I wanted to show on the overhead projector. I also sometimes project a page from a book on the Elmo. It is great. The projector is also helpful. I can show something on my computer to the entire class, without them having to leave their seats. Students frequently go to the "computer center" to practice their math facts using Mighty Math. They have also used Pixie to create reports in the past. I find many students are motivated by an opportunity to use technology. Learning becomes fun and engaging. I am hoping to integrate more technology products into my classroom during the upcoming school year.